TalkFest: Queen of Glory

TalkFest: Queen of Glory

A meeting space to establish a dialogue around a topic and provoke an exchange of views between cultures. The idea is to bring together native speakers and advanced learners of English to discuss issues that are relevant and build bridges between communities and cultures.
There will be a team leading the sessions, but everyone is encouraged to participate.
Groups will be reduced.

‘Queen of Glory’ an award-winning indie film about cultural expectations and identity conflicts in the migrant community, by the Ghanaian-American writer/director/actress Nana Mensah.

As March is Women’s History Month, this film can also serve as a springboard for discussion on the double discrimination of race and gender faced by migrant women.

You can see the film at the Americana Film Fest

At the cinema – (March 16th & 20th)
For more information click here

On Filmin – (March 18th & 19th)
For more information click here

You can join the discussion / In English

Friday, 25/03/2022
At IEN, Via Augusta, 121

Please confirm attendance to before March 23rd
Limited capacity

Additional resources & Food for thought

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