The Institute of North American Studies Foundation is developing activities of general, educational, cultural, scientific and civic interest in order to foster mutual knowledge of life, culture, history and language between Catalonia and the United States of America.

Marc Migó: “In Barcelona, North American classical music is little known, but it is a great treasure”
By Marc Migó On Tuesday, March 19, at 7 pm, the Sala Oriol Bohigas of the Ateneu Barcelonès will host ...

Javier Borràs: “Artificial Intelligence is a weapon for geopolitical competition that is redefining economic, military, and strategic power on a global scale”
By Bego Grau - 25/01/2025 Javier Borràs Arumí is a researcher and editor at CIDOB, specializing in the impact of ...

Juan Carlos Arranz and Antonio Noguero: “IEN Student’s Committee, a beam of light for the Barcelona of the time“
IEN Patrons and Student’s Committee members By Marc Amat February 14, 1955, people crowded round the doorsteps of the Ritz ...

Dr. Jeffrey Michaels: “America’s image doesn’t always match to the reality of its power”
By Bego Grau Jeffrey Michaels, one of the leading voices in foreign policy, decision-making and international security, explains the impact ...

Xavier Peytibi: “The 2024 elections reflect a divided society”
By Marc Amat & Bego Grau This month, we have spoken with Xavier Peytibi to analyze the 2024 U.S. elections, ...

Lorenzo Delgado: “Young Spaniards see the United States in a very different way than their parents did”
Researcher at the Instituto de Historia (CCHS-CSIC) and expert in transatlantic relations. By Marc Amat Two hundred years ago, when ...

Roger Senserrich: “That a constitution as old as that of the U.S. has worked is basically a miracle.”
Political scientist and author of the book 'Por qué se rompió Estados Unidos: populismo y polarización en la era Trump' ...

Mario Gas: “Making theater at the IEN helped to shape my personality and the way I see the world.”
Actor; director of theater, cinema and opera; voice actor and arts and culture curator. Source: Biblioteca Virtual de la Diputació ...

Philipp Engel: “200 years ago Americans already dreamed of having a house with a garden in the suburbs and they will continue to do so”.
Cultural journalist and curator of the exhibition 'Suburbia. The construction of the American dream' exhibition / Photograph: Juan Carlos Rodríguez ...

Ricard Gili: “We want to reintroduce classical jazz to the public in Barcelona, where it’s sound is lesser known”
President of the Fundació Privada Catalana Jazz Clàssic, one of the driving forces behind Barcelona Springtime Swing. By Marc Amat ...

Hua Hsu: “A young Asian American and a young Spaniard may have more in common than it seems.”
American writer, winner of the Pulitzer Prize 2023 with Stay True. (Navona, 2024) / Photography: Devlin Claro By Marc Amat ...

Abril Castillo: “Going to study in the United States is difficult, but not impossible: if you’re clear about what you want, you have to give it a try”
Abril Castillo, a Catalan student at Harvard University in the United States. By Marc Amat Last year, Abril Castillo landed ...

George E. Fox: “In the United States, Joan Oró has not yet received the full recognition he deserves”
George E. Fox, professor emeritus and researcher in the Department of Biology and Biochemistry at the University of Houston. Source: ...

Teresa Grandas: “Nancy Holt’s artistic works play with gaze, that which makes us who we are”
Curator of the MACBA and Co-curator of the exhibition Nancy Holt / Dins Fora By Marc Amat What do we ...

Marc Migó: “The academic and cultural environment in the U.S. values diversity and, above all, illuminates the traits that make each individual unique.”
Photography: Hans Dieter By Marc Amat On his 16th birthday, Marc Migó's grandfather gave him a very special gift: a ...

Josep M. Colomer: “The current political polarization of the United States originates in its institutional system.”
Photography: Alicia Colomer By Marc Amat On January 6, 2021, a mob of Donald Trump supporters stormed the United States ...

Sarah Stearns: “Through advising, higher education in the U.S. is more feasible than it may seem”
Sarah Stearns, Academic Adviser, EducationUSA Program By Marc Amat Studying an undergraduate degree in the United States, doing a postgraduate ...

Dr. Katja Yafimava “Europe is sourcing its gas from a variety of suppliers from the global market, with LNG becoming the single largest source”
By Brianne DelBonifro With an unforeseeable end to Russia’s war on Ukraine, uncertainty looms among us all amidst the world ...

Champian Fulton: “Jazz is a perfect representation of the American culture, of people who value freedom and pursue their happiness”
Photography: By Marc Amat Champion Fulton is one of the biggest names in today's emerging jazz scene. Born in ...

Joan Oró: “Joan Oró fought to reinvest in Catalonia all the scientific knowledge he had learned in the United States”
Joan Oró, Director, Fundació Joan Oró By Marc Amat Joan Oró (1923-1994) was 15 years old when a question came ...

Xesco Reverter: “The image we have of the United States is often connected to the president who is in the White House at the moment”
By Marc Amat Halfway through 2017, Xesco Reverter (Barcelona, 1978) took over for Raquel Sans in the post of TV3’s ...

Alexis Roig: “The United States already identifies Barcelona as a technological and scientific hub to be taken into account.”
By Marc Amat In 2018, the main organizations in Barcelona's science, technology, public policy and international relations ecosystem came together ...

Sergi Plans: “Spanish and American abstract art have points in common”
By Marc Amat In 1966, in a Spain that was culminating in the institutionalization of the Franco regime and in ...

Pere Mateu Sancho: “The creation of IEN was a great step for the dissemination of astronomy and astronautics in Catalonia”.
By Marc Amat In the early 1950s, Josep Maria Poal, a doctor, and Josep Maria Bosch Aymerich, an engineer and ...

Carla D. Canales: “The best Cultural Diplomacy arises spontaneously, and Rosalía is a great example of this”
Photography: Flaminia Fanale By Marc Amat Carla Dirlikov Canales has delighted audiences across five continents with her voice. She is ...

Alicia Adserà: “In the United States, I found an ecosystem that stimulates creative processes and allows you to reinvent yourself.”
By Marc Amat Alícia Adserà is a demographer and economist. With an undergraduate degree from the University of Barcelona and ...

Jordi Albó: “While in Boston, we help create technologies that cause positive impact in Barcelona”
By Marc Amat For many years, Jordi Albó has been working to improve the quality of life of people through ...

Tina Parayre: “In the 1960s, the Institut d’Estudis Nord-americans was a little democracy within a dictatorship”
By Marc Amat Tina Parayre is the former vice-chair of the Students’ Committee of the IEN and worked for nearly ...

Ilya Levinson: “There is something different in American classical music due to the mix of cultures.”
(Ilya Levinson by Ilya Levinson is an American music composer, born in Russia. He is Associate Professor at Columbia ...

Emma Marwood: “For many US citizens, being able to live in Barcelona is a dream”
By Marc Amat Emma Marwood is Acting Consul General at the United States Consulate General in Barcelona. After serving as ...

Claudio Möller: “The exchange of knowledge between Catalan and American doctors furthers medicine”
By Marc Amat For decades, the United States has been a center of attraction of talent for many sectors from ...

Tori Sparks: “In Barcelona I found a new home where I could grow musically”
Photography: Luis Lecumberry By Marc Amat Tori Sparks (Chicago, 1983) is an American singer-songwriter who found in Barcelona the perfect ...

Ricard Gili: “Jazz music has values that make it a very special kind of music”
Ricard Gili is a retired architect and sees himself as a jazz fan. He has dedicated a large part of ...

“I am attracted by the powerful storytelling capacity of US journalism”
Ismael Nafría is a journalist specialized in digital media, Director of the National Geographic magazine in Spain and Vice-President of ...

“I see the IEN as being a connector.” Interview with Guayente Sanmartín, an IEN Foundation Trustee
Guayente Sanmartín, vice president and worldwide general manager of HP's Wide Format Printing business, is one of the latest additions ...

Interview with Dr. Jeffrey Michaels
Since October 2020, the Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI) and the Institute of North American Studies (IEN) Foundation have ...

The IEN Bridging the Gap between Catalan and American society. Interview with President Dr. Joan F. Corona
The Institute of North American Studies Foundation is embarking on a new stage in which it has stopped teaching English ...