Jazz Concerts at the IEN are back

After the suspension of the concerts in March 2020 due to the pandemic related restrictions, this Thursday, March,18 at 7.30 pm in the ICCIC auditorium in Barcelona, the jazz concerts are back with Gili-Romani Hot Jazz Cats.
Jazz related activities at the North American Studies Institute are a long-standing tradition. The first ones documented were Jam Sessions during the 1959-60 course year, “The psychology of Jazz” speech by Adrian Sunshine in 1961, and in 1965 “The New Jazz Quartet” concert. Since then, several groups, musicians and experts have come to the IEN to play or talk about jazz music. Furthermore, the library holds a collection of books on Jazz as well as imported jazz records which could be listened to in audio sessions.
Later on, in what could be considered the second stage of the IEN’s connection to jazz music, a strong relationship was established as the Jubilee Jazz Club began to offer monthly jazz concerts. To this day, these concerts continue to attract the attention of both musicians and the general public.
Have performed at the IEN:
Adrian Cunningham & his old School
Albert Romaní
Albert Bello Quartet & Dani Pérez
Alex González
Alfonso de Lucas and Pat Baptiste
Amelia Bernet
Andrea Motis
Angue & her Hot Jazz Trio
Artur Regada
August Tharrats Trio
Barcelona Hot Angels
Barcelona Jazz trio
Barcelona Swing Serenaders
Benjamin León
Benjamin León Trio
Benny Green
Bernat Font
Bernd Lhotzky
Biel Ballester Quartet
Biel Ballester Trio
Big Band de la UB
Big Mama & Sister Marion,
Big Mama & Víctor Puertas and Ramón Sellarès
Big Mama Montse & Riqui Sabatés
Big Mama Montse & Sweet Marta
Boston Bridges
Carles Benavent Trio
Casares Jazz Machine
Caspar Saint-Charles
Chino & The Big Bet + Sax Attack
Clara Sallago
Clara Sallago Quartet
Costel Nitescu & Biel Ballester Trio
Dado Moroni
Dany Doriz
Dave Mitchell
Dave Mitchell & Kike Angulo
David Cid
David Mengual
David Pastor
David Xirgu Quartet
Dumpy Lobsters
Eduardo Gracia
El Cuarteto de Jose Puigbo
Ellyn Rucker
Enric Puigdecens
Eric Reed Trio
Esteve Pi
Eva Fernández
Francesc Burrull Trio
Gabriel Amargant Quartet
Geni Barry Quartet
Geni Barry Quintet
Gerard Nieto
Gerard Nieto Reunion Three
Gili Romani Hot Jazz Cats
Gorka Benítez
Gospel Link Singers
Guillermo Calliero Quartet
Guim G. Balasch Quartet
Gunhild Carling & Shakin’ All
Horacio Fumero
Ignasi Gonzàlez
Ignasi Terraza
Ignasi Terraza & Susana Sheiman
Iscle Datzira
Ivó Oller Quintet
Jaume Vilaseca Trio
Jazz Carols
Jazzland Trio
Jazzman Quintet
Jazztring Trio
Jimmy Weinstein Quartet
Jo Krause
Joan Chamorro
Joan Díaz i Carola Ortiz
Joan Monné Trio
Joan Motera
Joe Lee Wilson
Jon Robles and David Mengual
Jordi Sánchez
Jorge Sabatés
José Alberto Medina Jam Trio
Josep Traver
Jove Big Band Taller de Músics & Rio Americano
Juan Carlos Cáceres
Jubilee Jazz Club Band
Jubilee Jazz Orchestra
Krause-Maas Quartet
La Jove Big Band
La Locomotora Negra
Lasco-Romaní Jazz Dúo
Leroy Jones & Shakin’ All
Llibert Fortuny Trio
Lluis Coloma Trio
Lluís Vidal
Louis Mazetier
Magalí Datzira
Mainstream Jazz Group
Manuel Gas
Marc Ayza
Marc Ferrer Trio
Marc Martí
Marc Martín
Marco Mezquita
Marian Barahona
Martí Elíes
Martí Serra Trio
Mazzanti-Calliero Classic Jazz Quartet
Miki Grau
Millikin University Jazz Lab Band
Modern Jazz Quintet
New Orleans Jazz Band
Oriol Romaní
Oriol Romaní Classic Jazz Quartet
Paul Evans
Pep o’Callaghan & Publio Delgado
Pere Ferré
Pere Loewe
Queralt Camps
Ramón Farrán
Ran Blake
Raül Reverter Trop’s in Jazz
Room Mates Trio
Rova Saxophone Quartet
Sallago Quartet
Samantha Lee
Santiago Pérez
Saphie Wells & The Swing Cats
Steve Pistorius Trio
Suite Urbana: Vicens Martin Grup
Susana Sheiman and her Trio
Susane Sheiman
Swing Flamingos
Swingologie Trio
Tacirupeca y sus lobos
Tete Montoliu
The Blues Prisoners
The Inma Lázaro Quintet
The Modern Jazz Quintet
The New Jazz Quartet
The Spirit of New Orleans
Thomas S. McIntosh
Three Cool Cats
Tom Warburton
Toni Solà
Toti Soler
Txell Sust & August Tharrats Blues Trio
USS Little Rock
Vicent Macián
Wax & Boogie
Wendell Brunious
Willis Clark Conover
Xavi Maureta Quartet
Xavier Algans
Xavier Hinojosa
Yolanda Sikara