Antoni Sala, el violoncel viatger

Antoni Sala i Julià is one of those great Catalan performers to whom time has not done justice. He was one of the great cellists of the first half of the 20th century, with a number of concerts that we would not exaggerate if we said that it exceeded a couple of thousand, with a first rank international career and that, despite everything, few remember.”
Thus begins the biography that Josep M Rebés writes of Antoni Sala in where he highlights the five-year stay that the Catalan cellist made in the United States, where he was known and recognized for his virtuosity.
The relationship that Antoni Sala established with American musicians, performers and institutions has been the reason for the IEN Foundation to host the conference “Antoni Sala, the traveling cello” organized by the Associació Joan Manén in the 1st cycle of Historical Catalan Performers conferences.
The conference includes auditions of original recordings by this great cellist.
Thursday, October 6, 2022
IEN Institute of North American Studies Foundation
Via Augusta, 121 – Barcelona
Free admission by reservation:
Conference led by Josep Maria Rebés, researcher and promoter of Catalan music, chronicler of classical music concerts on specialized websites such as Nuvol, Barcelona Clásica, and Mundo Clásico.