Russia-Ukraine Sanctions: Assessing Impact and Drawing Lessons

Bruce W. Jentleson, Duke University.
Economic sanctions are a major part of the US and EU response to the Russia-Ukraine war. Threats of economic sanctions prior to 24 February failed to deter Russia’s invasion, whilst the imposition of sanctions following the start of the war have thus far shown no signs of helping to end it. Based on the research gathered for a forthcoming book on sanctions policy (Sanctions: What Everyone Needs to Know) además de su experiencia trabajando en la política de sanciones de EE. UU. contra China a principios de la década de 1990 y sobre Irán en 2009-2011, el profesor Jentleson ofrecerá una evaluación del papel de las sanciones como parte de la respuesta internacional a la guerra en curso y el impacto probable que tendrán. tendrá en el futuro.
Bruce W. Jentleson is William Preston Few Professor of Public Policy and Professor of Political Science at Duke University, where he previously served as Director of the Terry Sanford Institute (now Sanford School) of Public Policy. In 2015-16 he was the Henry A. Kissinger Chair in Foreign Policy and International Relations at the John W. Kluge Center, Library of Congress. He received the 2018 American Political Science Association (APSA) International Security Section Joseph J. Kruzel Award for Distinguished Public Service. In 2020 he received Duke University’s Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award.
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