This ensemble began its journey in 2016. It is made up of three well-known performers from the Catalan jazz scene who, meeting in a hotel in Vitoria and recognizing their musical and gastronomic affinities, decided to carry out the project of an unusual trio–a formation made up of trombone, guitar and double bass. Their shared musical tastes lead them towards swing school jazz and also towards be-bop and hard-bop. Its main principle is that this connection between them is also established with the public for the better enjoyment of all. Cooking up swing, that is, as the jazzmen say: Cookin’. Without a doubt, a good program!
Josep Tutusaus, trombó
Kike Angulo, guitarra
Queralt Camps, contrabaix
Abril Castillo Alexis Roig Alicia Adserà Antonio Noguero Carla D. Canales Champian Fulton Claudio Möller Dr. Jeffrey Michaels Dr. Joan F. Corona Dr. Katja Yafimava Emma Marwood George E. Fox Guayente Sanmartín Hua Hsu IEN Jazz Concert Ilya Levinson Ismael Nafría Javier Borràs Jeffrey Michaels Joan Oró Jordi Albó Josep M. Colomer Juan Carlos Arranz Marc Migó Mario Gas Pere Mateu Sancho Philipp Engel Ricard Gili Ricard Gili Roger Senserrich Sarah Stearns Seminar Series Sergi Plans TalkFest Teresa Grandas Tina Parayre Tori Sparks US Foreign Policy US Presidential Election Xavier Peytibi Xesco Reverter