Some of the American Writers that have been Translated and Published in Catalonia’24
This month we offer you a collection of books by American authors that have been published in Catalonia this past ...

Presentation of the book: “Stay True: A Memoir”
“Stay True: A memoir narrates a heartwarming memoir about growing up and navigating American culture in search of meaning and ...

Some of the American Writers that have been Translated and Published in Catalonia’23
This month we offer you a collection of books by American authors that have been published in Catalonia this past ...

Presentació del llibre: “Estats Units, el país de les contradiccions”
«Un llibre amb molts testimonis, moltes històries personals, que segueix molt l’escola del corresponsal, que fa servir les veus particulars ...

Presentació del llibre “Això no és Barcelona”
«En llegir aquest llibre, enterament compost d’observacions de viatgers i conciutadans catalans, he entès una cosa de la meva ciutat ...

Some of the US Writers that have been Translated and Published in Catalonia’22
This month we offer you a collection of books by American authors that have been published in Catalonia this past ...

A chat with Jane Lazarre. The mother figure in American literature.
The mother figure in literature reflects changes in society. Professor Anna Casablancas’ talk will give an overview of the evolution ...

Some of the US Writers that have been Translated and Published in Catalonia
Literature is a particularly considerable element when raising awareness of American culture, as it provides important perspectives about the cultural, ...