US & EU Barcelona Meeting
The Institute of North American Studies Foundation in Barcelona supports the study of different aspects of American culture, history, society, economics and politics in order to promote the city of Barcelona as a place for reflection, debate and as a key meeting point for American studies.
With this objective in mind, in September 2020 Dr. Jeffrey Michaels joined the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI) as an IEN Senior Fellow to push forward and organize a study program on U.S. foreign policy and international security which is modeled on the pattern of the best American studies programs in Europe.
As part of its new initiative to expand educational activities in the field of American studies, the IEN launched in 2022 the US & EU Barcelona Meeting, an annual program of conferences that provides expert vision, reflection and greater details on transatlantic relations in terms of politics, the environment, technology, research and investigation, culture, history and society.
Each year a topical theme relevant to US-EU relations is chosen
The US & EU Barcelona Meeting will provide knowledge about:
- Understanding the recent past that has led to the current situation of the aspect to be addressed
- Identifying and recognizing the most relevant issues, challenges and threats relevant to the proposed topic.
- Providing critical analysis for the complex international reality, focusing this on the aim of the seminar.
- Promoting a comprehensive view that incorporates geographical, geopolitical, economic, social and cultural perspectives.
- Knowing the actors, dynamics and factors that interact in the decision-making process.
Who will be the speakers?
- Institutional representatives
- Academics
- Specialized journalists
For whom is it intended?
- Members of the diplomatic and consular corps present in Barcelona
- University lecturer in disciplines related to international studies and the areas related to the proposal
- Postgraduate students in political science, international relations and cultural studies
- Communication professionals specialized in international politics
- Media
- General public interested in the international agenda between the United States of America and the European Union.
Simultaneous interpretation will be included.
The media will be informed of expert visits
The event will be streamed
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