A meeting space to establish a dialogue around a topic and provoke an exchange of views between cultures. The idea is to bring together native speakers and advanced learners of English to discuss issues that are relevant and build bridges between communities and cultures.
There will be a team leading the sessions, but everyone is encouraged to participate.
Groups will be reduced.
Hidden figures In conjunction with the U.S. Space Diplomacy Week, TalkFest will focus on Hidden Figures, the story of the pivotal role played by Black women mathematicians at NASA during the early years of the United States space program. Directed by Theodore Melfi, the movie is inspired by the real lives of three women at NASA Langley Research Center in 1961. Hidden Figures presents the discrimination faced by people at the intersection of Blackness and womenhood, particularly in STEM fields, in its historical context.
Available on Amazon Prime, Apple TV Rakuten and Movistar.

You can join the discussion / In English
Friday 05/05/2023
At IEN, Via Augusta, 121
Please confirm attendance to hgarcia@ien.es before May 4th
Limited capacity