A meeting space to establish a dialogue around a topic and provoke an exchange of views between cultures. The idea is to bring together native speakers and advanced learners of English to discuss issues that are relevant and build bridges between communities and cultures.
There will be a team leading the sessions, but everyone is encouraged to participate.
Groups will be reduced.
Captain Fantastic is a reflection on mainstream American society as seen through the eyes of a family living isolated, unconventional lives deep in the wilderness. It raises questions about non-conformism, self-sufficiency, the purpose of education and how parenting and lifestyle choices influence children’s ability to engage with the outside world.
Available on Prime Video, HBO, Movistar+, Rakuten and Apple TV
Save the date!

You can join the discussion / In English
Friday, 01/07/2022
At IEN, Via Augusta, 121
Please confirm attendance to hgarcia@ien.es before Juny 30th
Limited capacity